
tiges metal modeles

The term ‘metal rod’ can be used to refer to numerous parts, such as metal bars and rails. The precise term varies from sector to sector and the use. For example a metal rail in the form of a rod (flat or round) is used to hang curtains and draperies.

Metal rod production

During the production process the extremities of our rods can be completed in numerous ways, welding, chamfering, pressing, drilling, threading or assembling.

Application example of a metal rod

The term metal rail is used in various business sectors. The most common use is for curtain rails. However they are also used as tyre beads and for locksmiths a rail is referred to as a metal pin that is inserted into the latch to ensure the lock closes correctly. The term is also used by plumbers to describe the system used in a toilet flush or sink drain system.

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